아이들과 공유하고 싶은 좋은 영어소설이 있어요(수정)


수업 중에는 모든 학생에게 오른쪽에 보이는 축약본으로 된 책을 읽히고

우수한 학생들은 따로 방과 후 수업 등에 원본(왼쪽)을 소개해주고


모든 학생들에게는 옥주현이 나오는 뮤지컬 영상을 보여준다면 호기심을 자극하는 데 좋을 듯 해요. 


 https://youtu.be/dIFRonefRms(뮤지컬 동영상)





“My marriage was hopeless. We were not companion. I was too young for Maxim. too inexperienced, and more important still, I was not of his world. Don’t imagine he’s in love with you. He’s lonely. He can’t bear that great empty house, that’s all.” Maxim was not in love with me. He had never loved me. He did not belong to me at all. He belonged to Rebecca. She was in the house still, as Mrs. Danvers had said. 남편의 죽은 전처 레베카에게 열등감을 느낀 주인공(성명불상)의 대사.

아름답고 교양있고 귀족 출신인 레베카는 이야기가 시작하기도 전에 이미 죽었음에도 이야기 처음부터 끝까지 평범 그 자체인 주인공(성명불상)을 압도하는 상황입니다.


“We were not meant for happiness. You and I.” “Her shadow was between us all the time. - her shadow keeping us from one another. I remember her last slow smile. She knew this would happen even then. She knew she would win in the end.”  전처 레베카가 이미 죽은 존재임에도 남편과 저택의 하인들에게 지대한 영향을 미치고 있음을 느낀 주인공(성명불상)이 괴로와하면서 하는 대사. 


① Dangerous Danvers 영문학사에서 또 하나의 전무후무한 캐릭터인 댄버스 부인

Maxim tells Mrs. de Winter that Mrs. Danvers is "an extraordinary character" (7.15, 7.109). We have to agree with him on that one. She's always creeping around in some dark passageway, or spying from across the way, or with her ear to the door, or her eye to the key hole. She's bullying, manipulative, sneaky and downright mean. In spite of Mrs. Danvers' frightening appearance and frightening manner, Mrs. de Winter finds herself feeling sorry for the housekeeper on several occasions. For example, when she goes to confront Mrs. Danvers about tricking her into wearing the Caroline de Winter costume, she sees that Mrs. Danvers has been crying, too.

댄버스 부인과 레베카의 관계는 무엇일까? 어머니와 딸인가 의심을 하면서 계속 읽어나갔는데 검색을 해보니 동성애를 의심하는 의견이 제법 있더군요. 흥미로왔습니다.


② Mrs. Danvers tells Mrs. de Winter: 댄버스 부인이 주인공(성명불상)에게 하는 말

Don't be afraid […]. I won't push you. I won't stand by you. You can jump of your own accord. What's the use of your staying here at Manderley? You're not happy. Mr. de Winter doesn't love you. There's not much for you to live for, is there? Why don't you jump now and have done with it? Then you won't be unhappy any more.​ 


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